Dublin Lodge up again for sale, price lowered to $65mil

Freehold landed development Dublin Lodge has recently once over gotten pushed out using EOI with a more affordable transaction price of $Sixty Five mil.

The Area 9 property development was once marketed in February, with the set aside figure set at $Sixty Seven point Five million.

Assessed to be about Thirty Five yrs old, the property development is placed at a private dead end at Dublin Rd. It at present has eight strata landed alongside floor areas of in between Two thousand Five hundred Sixty Two square foot and Two hundred Forty sq meter.

The Atelier condominium

Dublin Lodge occupies a Two thousand Five hundred Ten sq m location which is zoned for home benefit beneath the 2019 Master Plan. The property development is at the same time within the two level varying private region.

Marketing representative C & W pointed out the site could be reconstructed toward a single-detached house or possibly be partitioned into 10 unique terraces, dependent on the consent of related authorities.

” This is certainly an interesting option to acquire a charming possession since landed housing ventures in the edge of Orchard Road are sparse,” shared Christina Sim, Dir of Capital Markets at C & W.

” The project’s main core area, freehold period furthermore above all, its desired address will be exceptionally searched for.”

Strikingly, Dublin Lodge is nearby Somerset Mass Rapid Transit Station furthermore is a 10 minute commute to the Central Business District.

Sim added that considering that all eight proprietors have actually supported the sale, there is absolutely no necessity to register to the STB for a deal requisition.

The expression of interest exercise for Dublin Lodge closes on 4January2K22.

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